Saturday, March 31, 2012

Is Their a Speel Checker Amung Us?

Begin rant in 3…2…1…

If I’m reading something someone wrote in say an internet forum somewhere, or a blog, or a comment on a story, etc. I will totally disengage if I see they have any grammatical/punctuation mistakes and/or misspellings.  (I know this is going to send both of my readers into a frenzied state spell checking my posts, but I’ll take my chances.)  It’s not like I'm asking anyone to get collective plurals correct all the time, (Rush are the bestest band ever!!) or disregard them over improper use of 'that' and 'which' (that Incidentally, I get wrong a lot)) or worse,force them to understand why comparative and superlative modifiers can’t be doubled up. (Although, if you want to sound the most dumbest, this is probably the best way to do it.) I’m just asking for a little proofreading to go on before they post all that junk I cared enough to read. 

OK OK, I know it sounds crazy to disregard content because of a few mistakes (hell, it sounds downright self righteous)  but cmon now…how is one supposed to take anything seriously when it's clearly evident the person posting it didn’t spend any time checking their work?  I question credibility when they cant get the simple stuff right.  It not like we are talking about getting out the DEC PDP-10 to verify their posting either.  It takes merely seconds to make all of this happen.  A spell checker exists on almost all pages where we are able to actually write something, and if there isn’t one, there is no reason you cant open your local word processor application and have that go through your musings for errors.  (If you don’t have Word, or OpenOffice etc, download a checker for your browser or use an online checker; they’re free, you know). The point is, in this day and age there I see no excuse to be using made up words (bestest and  favoritest are not words people! I was joking up there....) , spelling words  inacurately, (another joke) or hacking plurals to death. (i.e shelfs, testimonys, )   

All kidding aside, here is what goes through my head when I see posts that contain those types of errors:

  • You didn’t care enough to double check your work because you obviously rushed through it. Either that, or you're just plain dumb.
  • If you rushed through something as simple as posting a comment, asking a question or writing a reply to someone in a forum, how can I be sure you took enough time to understand anything about what you are posting? I mean if you’re too lazy to get it right when trying to tell someone else about it, how can I be sure you weren’t lazy in gathering up the facts before you got to this point?
  • From here I just question your ability to comprehend, judge, interpret and retain.

So at the risk of sounding like my 9th grade English teacher, (not really a risk; her voice was much higher than mine) I’ll l say this. If you don’t care enough to check the spelling or grammar of your work, then I dont care enough to read it.

Thank you. 

Since we're all here, I have one more request. Please stop ending sentences with the word at!! I don’t care about the other prepositions with which we are not supposed to end sentences, its only the preposition “at” that concerns me.  I don’t know if all the English teachers finally got tired of correcting everyone, but in the last few years, ending sentences with “at” seems to have taken everyone by storm, and sadly, everyone sounds really comfortable doing it.  I’ve heard it on TV, I’ve heard it from friends and family, and I’ve seen it in print in multiple places all over the internet.  Nothing makes you sound like a moron faster than ending sentences with the word at.   Feel free to continue if it makes you feel better, but understand that by doing so, I will listen to less and less of what you have to say.

End rant.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This Guy Gets an F in Civics

Contrary to popular belief, not all school teachers are good for our children. As a matter of fact some of them are downright bad influences and underhandedly place their own thoughts and opinions into the minds of our children under the guise of school approved assignments. I know that might come as a shock, but let me show you a case in point and then you can tell me if I’m wrong.

As a side note, its no wonder Virginia is voting cats into office. (Hank for Senate!) Look at the types of jerks Virginians have to deal with! 

Teacher tells eighth grade class to dig up dirt on GOP field

"President Obama may have a secret weapon to propel him to victory in November -- an eighth grade class in Virginia, whose students were told by their teacher to do opposition research on the GOP presidential field and then pass along whatever they found to the Obama campaign. Students in the Liberty Middle School honors class were divided into four groups, one for each Republican contender. "This assignment was just creepy beyond belief -- like something out of East Germany during the Cold War," one father told the Daily Caller. A spokesman for the Fairfax County school district tells The Blaze that, yes, research was conducted, but none of it (much to the relief of the GOP foursome) got into Obama's hands."

Look, I don’t mind if a teacher wants to teach some students about politics. As a matter of fact, I would normally applaud any teacher bringing more of the real world into a curriculum that is probably 40 years old. But if you are going to forge ahead and teach our kids something new, do you need to start with the practice of negative campaigning?  Worse, why do you feel it is your duty to sway these kids into believing what you think to be the truth? The classroom is no place for personal opinions and if a teacher cannot determine fact from opinion, they are not someone that should be in charge of any child, let alone their educations.   

When becoming a teacher, one should have to take an oath to provide children the unbiased knowledge they need to become productive members of society.  This hardly qualifies.  That oath should go on to be a pledge to do the right thing regardless of how one might personally feel about a given situation.  You don’t see doctors choosing whose lives they save, do you?   

A lot of people that work for the government forget this, so let me say it loudly and clearly. As a government employee, you are a PUBLIC SERVANT and the people that pay your salary trust you to do what is in the best interest of them and their families. You were not granted your position to use as a platform to impose your own personal feelings and beliefs on anyone or anything.  And in this particular case, this teachers personal feelings and beliefs promote hate and intolerance, something I'm sure we could all agree our schools can do without. Its bad enough this backstabbing counterproductive trash has made a mockery of our political process, but do we really need this poison fed to our children?

According to Paul Stanley of the Christian Post, (not THAT Paul Stanley) Michael Denman, the teacher who delivered this assignment, “assigned the task of finding "weaknesses" and information that could be used to discredit the GOP presidential candidates. Two students were assigned to write a paper outlining the group's findings; two other students were to construct an attack strategy and two others to locate contacts within the Obama campaign where they could send their findings.” Needless to say this was a lot more than an exercise in just research.

Paul Stanley also went on to report the Fairfax County School District's policy on political activities to be as follows: "Employees shall not involve their schools in political campaigns, distribute political literature on school property, or attempt to indoctrinate students with their personal political beliefs."
Based on that alone, I believe Mr. Denman violated that policy, and should therefore be removed from his position and forced to resign from teaching in the county.  In addition I would revoke his ability to teach in any public school in any state from this day forward. The message that the the classroom is not a platform for Mr Denman to be heard needs to be sent. 

If you want to voice your opinion to the folks that matter, here are some links to the Liberty Middle School Administrators and the Fairfax County School Board executives. The ones I would suggest contacting are below.  

Elizabeth Schultz - Springfield District School Board Representative

Jack Dale - Superintendent of Fairfax County Schools -
Dr. Catherine Cipperly - Principal of the Liberty Middle School -
Ms. Natalie Lissy - 8th Grade Assistant Principal -

If you feel any other people at the Liberty Middle school need to hear from you, feel free to send them a note as well. Invite them over for coffee or something.

List of Administrators working at the Liberty School

I’d begin the conversation by asking them how this kind of teaching falls in line with the schools mission statement, which states the following: 
‘Our Mission is to provide all students with the skills and knowledge they need for the 21st century and to help them recognize the positive value of continued learning.’
I’d end the conversation asking for Mr Denman to step down. But that’s just me.

Realistically this is probably only one of hundreds of teachers that push this kind of abhorrence. We heard about this story because students and parents alike decided this kind of “assignment” was inappropriate for their school. If their voice broke this story, imagine what a hundred more just like them could do?  

Hank for Senate 2012

Since the Democrats want to give all of my money away and the Republicans are so out of touch with the middle class, this is the candidate I would back if I could.   

The way I see it we’ve got nothing to lose by putting this cat in office.  He’s probably the most honest candidate in the history of US politics.  Look at this face! 


Because he started life on the street to a single mother and doesn’t come from a family of wealth and power, he’s really got a clear view of the struggles we are facing as a nation.  He has spent time in homeless shelters and has even been on death row for a crime he didn’t commit, so he again has clearly tasted what it’s like to live below the poverty line.  Hank is a real story of how one can make something of themselves if they have people that believe in them. Isn’t it about time we’ve had someone in office like that?

Lest you think otherwise, hank got some skin in this game and he may just be the perfect (puuuurfect?) candidate for the job. He inspires independence and promotes individualism, yet is compassionate and caring of those that require more attention and positive reinforcement….like dogs.

Even though Hank doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t leech off of his community. He volunteers his time to local families to make sure they are free of pests, cockroaches, rats and other vermin, and vows to do the same if voted to office in Washington. Hank instinctively knows what it takes to get the job done. So buy a T-shirt to display your disdain for ordinary politicians. Note that “Hank's campaign doesn't receive one cent from the sales of these t-shirts” and “100% of profits go directly to the Animal Allies spay & neuter program.” so donate without guilt.

Hank is garnering all types of positive media coverage – check it out and get on the bandwagon while there is still time!  

Hank For SenateHuffington Post - 27-Feb-2012

Hank For Senate - Washington Post - 27-Feb-2012

 Hank for Senate - Richmond Times Dispatch - 29-Feb-2012

 Don’t believe all the negative hype, (video to attack ad is here), Hank is the real deal and needs your vote.

Isn’t it about time we’ve had a candidate who’s bipartisan and works for the whole country, rather than just their party affiliation? I think so.  If I didn't, do you think I would have spent that last hour writing about some stupid cat?

Monday, March 26, 2012

I’m sorry, the number you have been trying to reach has been disconnected.

 I hate cell phones. If I had my way, I’d melt them all down and create a working life size replica of the Death Star. (or an army of At-Ats, I’m not sure yet) 

At the very least I’d like to see some more laws coming out restricting their use under certain circumstances. But it’s not really the cell phone that’s the problem; it’s the people that use them.

 I don’t mind they use them while walking down the street or in the privacy of their own homes, but I do mind when they use them in a place where it affects me.  They break them out when they are driving, or when they’re in the movie theater, or standing in line at the coffee shop, or in an elevator, or at a restaurant, or in the bathroom, or riding their bike.  The list goes on.  But as much as I can’t stand the douche with the phone up to his ear at the hockey game looking for the camera that’s broadcasting him back to his moronic buddies at home (who were obviously too cheap to get tickets) or the jerk in line at Dunkin Donuts that’s thinks his conversation is so damn important everyone in the place is required to listen, I’ll focus my attention on one type of cell user that I really despise; The Driver

When I decided to write about cell use while driving, I had this grand idea that somewhere along the line it would actually inform someone of how deadly it can be and they would change their ways.  This grandiose idea morphed into how all of  my super awesome readers (both of them) would start thinking of their own cell use while behind the wheel, and alter their behavior because I informed them of how dangerous it could be!   Yeah, I know, pretty arrogant.  I blame my parents. 

But then it dawned on me.  The people causing all of this destruction while driving are so self centered they will never look to themselves as the root cause of their accidents.  Heck, if they really thought for an instant they were the problem, they would have altered their cell use without me, or any statistic in the world, having to tell them so.  So arrogance works both ways I see.  I blame their parents.

I don’t know about you, but I don't need statistics to tell me that cell phone use in the car is a dangerous thing.  I know because I drive differently if I’m talking on the phone.  There is a certain level of attention one has to give in order to effectively communicate with the party on the other end of the line. As a result, the attention you give them, is directly proportional to the amount taken away from the art of driving a vehicle. And the hands free crap makes no difference either, because it isn’t just about the dialing or the scrolling through of a phone book.  It’s about the conversation and what it takes for you to be able to participate in it when only half of you know whats going on in front of you. .  

Think about it.  People on the other end of the phone always believe you are giving them 100% of your attention. Why wouldn’t they? You did pick up their call after all. And isn’t answering the phone virtually an agreement that you are ready and able to hold a conversation?   You bet it is.  You never pick up the phone and instantly say “talking on the phone is causing me to shift my attention from the importance of driving my car, please call back”   Additionally, your caller never changes their delivery of the conversation based on the level of complexity the road ahead of you brings because they cant see it!!!  Of course they are going to continue to talk as if you weren’t driving. And as a result, when presented with a change in the road, it forces drivers to shift their level of concentration to whatever they feel is more important at the time. Either to the conversation because they didn’t feel the change in the road required more attention, or to the road to avoid what may have been a sticky situation.  Bad drivers shift to the caller, and usually end up in accidents. Good drivers will shift attention to the road, and ask the caller to repeat what was said because something took their attention away.  Great drivers wouldn’t be on the phone in the first place. 

Now don’t forget what this newfangled cell phone technology has brought us. While its great we can get an important phone call whenever it needs to reach us, its allowed us to change the definition of what we deem “important”.   People now tend to have conversations in the car that would never actually take place in a car if cell phones weren't available. Remember now, we're not talking to just our friends and families we’ve invited into the car anymore.  We are talking to our bosses, our financial advisers, our doctors, the guy working on the house, our real estate agents, our kids' teachers , our physicians, and our life coaches all while driving in traffic down the highway or in town @ 10mph past the speed limit. (Because sadly, no one does the speed limit anymore) These conversations typically require responses far different than the ones you would give to a family member or friend too and thus require much greater and controlled thought. After all, a friend or family member isn’t going to fire you, or tell you, you’ve only two months to live.
In the past, conversations like this happened either in places where a one on one type of conversation could be had - like a private office perhaps or an office cubicle. But now they are happening in a place where it’s truly impossible to give it the 100% attention it deserves - in front of the ever changing landscape of the road.  

For those of you that think cell use is equally distracting as say eating or drinking in a car, let me ask you this.   Do those actions require you to listen, interpret, formulate, phrase, and deliver a response to your hamburger or double latte? I’m not saying they can’t be distracting in the hands of the wrong driver, (which if you are trying to make that argument, you probably are THAT driver) but certainly not to the same level of being on the phone. (Although putting on makeup or reading the newspaper ranks right up there)

 Now a days I do my best to avoid having conversations on the phone while driving. I’ll either ignore the phone and  call back when I’ve reached my destination or I’ll answer and tell them there is a time better suited for us to have our conversation.  But that’s me.  Sadly the self centered jerks that think they NEED to be on the phone at that moment will never alter behavior.  We all know who they are too.  They are the ones that jump out of a side street to cut you off, even though you are the only car coming at them.  They are the ones that won’t turn on red, even though it was safe to do so. Or worse, they are the ones that will turn on red when there is clearly a sign that denotes the legality of such a move.  They are also the ones that travel 10 mph slower than the posted speed limit because they were too busy to see the sign.  We all know who they are.  And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, then maybe you’re one of the cell users that’s causing all these problems.  Take a look on your commute in.  How many people did you see on the phone?  Of those people that performed some stupid traffic stunt, how many of them had mobile units up to or in their ears?  I’m betting close to half. 

As I wrap this up,  I thought my blog here would have been groundbreaking  by providing some useful data for the folks that needed to see cold hard facts regarding these dangers. As strange as it is to say, I’m quite happy I can return that silver shovel with the big red bow on it, because there is no ground to break.  There is a ton of information online about how awful cell phone use while driving can be.  Let take a look at some of it.
(About 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by distracted drivers every year.)
(Cell phone users in the United States have increased from 34 million a decade ago to more than 203 million...and thats data from 2006!!)
(70% of the worlds population now have a mobile phone, that’s over 5 billion mobile subscribers, and in places like the US, it’s 9 in 10 people. With children now more likely to own a mobile phone than a book, with 85% of kids owning a phone as to 73% having books!)
(“I ran into a truck,” Ms. Briggs said."It was parked in a driveway." She was walking by the way....)
(California bans cell phone use while driving. Guess what happens? "The number of deaths among drivers using hand-held phones fell from 100 to 53 during that period, while the number of injuries dropped from 7,720 to 3,862.")
("In September of 2008, a California Metrolink train carrying commuters through the San Fernando Valley collided with a freight train, killing 25 people and injuring an additional 135 passengers. The engineer responsible for directing the train was texting with a teenage train enthusiast mere seconds before the collision" And this only came in at number 8.....) (doesn’t it alarm anyone else that we spend so much time on the phone we are physically injuring ourselves to the point we actually have a name for the condition?)

If you read this and did not think you are the problem, take a look at all those statistics and all that information and then ask yourself if you feel lucky. (Well do ya, punk?)   If you haven’t had that accident with the phone yet, then consider yourself damn lucky, punk.  Put the phone down and stay safe.  All of those statistics above thought they could multitask just fine too. 

 If you are one that’s had an accident because you were on the phone and you haven’t changed your behavior, what’s it going to take?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monkey See, Monkey Do.

I don't  really mean for all these posts to be a bashing of the Democratic Party; really, I don’t. It just so happens that lately, they’ve been giving me a lot more fodder with which to work than the Republicans have. Besides, I’ve been complaining loudly about the government for years, it’s just now I’ve decided to write about it. And in my effort to remain relevant with anything anyone might want to read, I feel I must keep up on current events, right? No one wants my opinion on the Boston Tea Party, do they? (that is provided anyone wants my opinion at all) Besides, can I help it if the Democrats just keep doing INCREDIBLY STUPID things? Moreover, I live in Massachusetts. You know, the place where no matter what everyone seems to think, feel and vote for, we always end up with a Democrat in power? Yeah, that’s the one. It’s extremely difficult to remain neutral about party affiliation in this state when all the Democratic clowns just keep driving it into the ground. If it makes anyone feel any better, I’ll write about how out of touch with his constituents Romney is in an upcoming post. And if you’re good, I’ll go on to write about how disgusting it is that he has an entire political ad on Florida TV that’s done entirely in Spanish.

Onward to the bashing..... 
WASHINGTON (CBS/AP) — Massachusetts Reps. Jim McGovern and John Olver were arrested on Friday along with actor George Clooney and several others at a protest outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.

The protesters accuse Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, of provoking a humanitarian crisis and blocking food and aid from entering the Nuba Mountains in the county’s border region with South Sudan.

Let me say up front that I don’t care what George Clooney does in his free time.  Truthfully, it’s nice to see an ultra rich Hollywood type be passionate about something other than money.  So if he wants to go and protest something he feels strongly about, good for him. Now if I were Steven Soderbergh and I was in the middle of directing Oceans 14 and George was supposed to be rehearsing in his trailer, I’d be pretty bent out of shape if I found out he decided to go off and get arrested when he’s being paid to make a movie.

So when I found out two Massachusetts senators were arrested along with him, I felt a lot like Steven would have if Oceans 14 were actually being filmed, and George was nowhere to be found.  Is this what we are paying these Senators to do?  ($174K/yr, ea) Go off to Washington to fight for injustices in countries thousands of miles away from here?  Don’t get me wrong, what’s  going on over in the Sudan is an atrocity, and truly an embarrassment to humanity, but guess what? It isn’t going to change.  With all that we have going on in this country right now,  this is what our esteemed senators think is the best use of their time, influence and position?   It’s not like James McGovern and John Olver just voiced their opinions mind you – that would have been OK. They actually got arrested.  And this isn’t the first time for Senator McGovern either.  He was arrested for a protest against the Sudanese government in '09 for genocide in Darfur. (Sure made a heck of an impact there, didn’t ya, Jim?)   All of this on the taxpayer dime too. (I wont even mention how they are wasting the already strained resources of the DC police).

We have a terrible economy; worst than the great depression. We’ve got crazy high unemployment, and a housing market that’s a joke.  We have hungry children right in our own backyard, and homeless with nowhere to go.  We have people struggling to support their families on one income, while executives of major corporations continue to mistake greed for capitalism. We have a war on drugs that we are not even close to winning, and we have an illegal immigrant problem we have no idea how to handle. On top of all of that, we have a government that wants to trample all over our Bill of Rights.  With all of this going on, should we really be spending cycles on stuff on another continent we can’t control? Don't you think our high and mighty Senators ought to be allocating their precious resources to something a bit more domestic?

Look, I get it, and I know its not popular to act so selfishly in the wake of a story about a dictator using his people as pawns, but James McGovern and John Olver should feel this passionate about OUR country and OUR people.  Jim, here's an idea; go get arrested for fixing our welfare system.  John, while hes off doing that, why don't you go get arrested for giving good honest people jobs that AREN'T part of our already bloated government payroll?  I'll be plenty OK with things of that nature. Heck while you are both at it, go get arrested for finding ways to bring manufacturing back to this country too.

Listen - its not that I don’t care about what happens in the Sudan; I do. I just care MORE about what happens in the US than I do in a country some 6000 miles away.  I was hoping our Senators would too.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Old Glory – A Lesson In Flag Etiquette

I don’t know if you know this, but there are certain rules to flying an American flag. If that comes as a surprise to you, then please read on and educate yourself. As a matter of fact, there are very specific rules germane to a lot of the conditions under which an American flag may find itself under.  Funny thing is, not many people realize they exist.  If you are interested, here are a few credible websites that list out those rules:

Personally, I was made aware of these rules long ago when my father and I would go out in the backyard together to raise or lower the flag he flew every day.  He made it a point to make sure I knew there was a proper way to do everything with the flag, all the way from folding it  (blue field only!) to how to properly dispose of it should the need arise. (by burning it oddly enough, unceremoniously and discreetly).  He told me the red and white stripes represented the 13 original colonies (white for courage, red for bloodshed) while the blue field was the union of all the states. Fascinating stuff! Who knew of this hidden code!?(I was 7 mine you)  He spoke of all the rules on how to raise and lower the flag and he made damn sure I never let it touch the ground.  As a small boy, this type of ceremony was intriguing – like being a part of secret club - and seeing the pride in my Dads eyes every time he touched Old Glory made me want to know what it was about that specific material that made him so emotional.

Fast forward a bunch of years and it safe to say, I take my flag flying very seriously. So much so, I tend to get a little bent out of shape when I see someone doing it the wrong way.  I don’t yell and scream, but if I get the chance to educate them on what is “correct” I will gladly do it. And if I can’t reach them to tell them what’s wrong, I blog about it. So… now that you know why you are all here, let’s move on.

This is not a proper American flag. 

It has nothing to do with whose picture is on it either. It could have been Kate Beckinsale or Nikki Cox and it would still be wrong. (albeit better looking. Am I right? Cmon look at them, you know I'm right)

The always lovely Kate

Nikki before the crazy surgery.

Congressional Research Service Report RL30243 was created to let any who cared about proper flag etiquette, know what to do in most circumstances dealing with the Stars and Stripes.  It is available online and it’s free of charge. (Imagine that!)   There is a section in that code entitled, ‘The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating to Display and Associated Questions’ and it clearly states this rule:

The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

That flag above does not follow those rules. 

There was one gentleman a few years back, an owner of a Montreal French Fries place in West Bridgewater that was chastised by residents because he was flying an American flag with skull and crossbones on it. A good move on his part? Hardly not, but it was an honest mistake. He is originally Canadian, became a citizen of the US in 2002 and admittedly just thought he had a super cool flag. OK, so people made him aware and the situation was corrected. It wasn’t any sort of declaration; just something he thought was cool.  Chastised.

But this is different. That flag you see above is being flown over the Lake County Florida Democratic Party headquarters. (I promise you I couldn’t possibly make this stuff up). (

Nancy Hurlbert is the chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party, and she is apparently a moron. Unlike the Montreal Fry Guy who just wanted to sell fries, she made a conscious choice to involve herself in politics. And someone like that, someone who feels so strongly about her convictions she became a chairperson for her party, should know a bit more about the proper rules of displaying the flag that represents the country I presume she feels so passionately about. That's why you go into politics, right? To make positive changes, to enrich the lives of those you touch?? To make this country better? When asked about the flag and its blatant misuse, she had this to say:
 "I was surprised. No one had called us. We have a phone."
I cant tell you how typical I feel it is that someone of her party affiliation, a chair person no less,  not only doesn’t understand how to fly our nations colors, but looks to place the blame on somebody else that it was never brought to her attention after months of being raised. 

What’s worse (if it could even get worse) is this blatant ignorance, in my opinion, sends clear messages on how her and those who work for her actually think and do business. This is not just ignorance, its arrogance.  Mz Hurlbert's disregard for Old Glory is a very chilling insight into what she and her workers truly stand for. They don’t respect the union of states; if they did they would still have the stars represented on the field.  They obviously don’t respect this Democracy and don’t care about this country as a whole. If they did, they would have taken the time to ask themselves why they have never seen an American flag with any Presidents face on it fly before, EVER.  Heck, if they really cared about this country, they would have known the proper etiquette long before they started working for the DNP and that flag would never have gotten raised. Is it a stretch then, to say that if they lack the fundamental knowledge of how the symbol of our nation is supposed to be displayed, that they can’t possibly begin to understand what the people in that country need?  To me, this just proves how blinding partisanship can be, Republican or Democrat.  In this case, these zealots only want the person depicted on that flag as their leader. It has nothing to do with whether or not that person is right for this country or its people, they only want their agenda to be recognized as the truth and they have no desire to consider any other thoughts on the matter.   How scary is that?

To some it’s just a flag. To the ones who know and care, guys like me and my Dad, it’s a symbol of freedom, a symbol of unity, a symbol of courage and of valor, and a symbol of a country that is greater than any other on this planet. To Mz. Hurlbert it’s apparently just another means to show her true colors. And that aren’t Old Glory Red, White, or Old Glory Blue. 

BTW – While we’re here, can we all make a concerted effort to NOT talk during the National Anthem? Its so disrespectful and it drives me nuts. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I.D. Please?

“(Wall Street Journal) - HOUSTON -- The US Justice Department on Monday blocked Texas from enforcing a law that requires voters to show state-issued photo identification at the polls, saying it would disproportionately affect Hispanics.”

When I go to the bank to withdraw funds, I have to produce a photo ID.

When I go to shoot some stick, I have to produce a photo ID just because it’s an 18 + establishment, yet I’m 39.
When I go to the airport I have to produce a photo ID to check in and then again to board the plane.   (With some of those delays, I can see people aging enough to warrant this)

If I want to buy an alcoholic drink, I have to produce a photo ID.  Heck, there are times I’ve had to produce an ID simply because the person I was with wanted to buy a drink.  Mind you, I don’t look anywhere close to an illegal drinking age, and being a full 18 years older than it, I get really testy when some jackwagon who isn’t even old enough himself to drink,  stops me at the door saying he needs to see my license.  Really? Does the gray hair look fake to you?

Here in Massachusetts it’s actually a common practice for businesses to ID everyone, just so they can limit their liability should any issues arise.  (I blame the judicial system)  Its crazy I know, but it’s the truth.  TD Garden does it all the time. You want to buy alcohol? You need a Mass photo ID.  No out of state IDs allowed and no temporary IDs either. Don’t care if you’re 72 and retired, you want a drink, they need a photo ID.

The point is, as much as I don’t like it, I understand it.  So when I go to the polls and they ask me for my ID (which they do) it’s no big deal for me to pull it out.  I gladly comply because I understand that in this day and age, with identity theft being a very real concern, it is far too easy to portray that you are someone you’re not.   That being said, wouldn’t it be in our collective best interest to support a law that requires you to prove who you are in order to vote?   The opponents say it “disenfranchises minorities, old people and students”.   Really?  So you’re telling me those people don’t have a driver’s license or state photo ID of any kind?  Or those same people never got on a plane? Or drank in public?? And because they have no ID, they wont go and vote?  I’m not buying it….

Lets take the Texas example…    The Department of Justice (DOJ) thinks by adding this law, it will make it disproportionately more difficult for specifically Hispanics in that state to vote.    So what, they don’t have a license? ?  Why is that?   Do they not drive??   I find that hard to believe. Do they not drink in public?  I find that even harder to believe.   Is there a good reason they can’t march up to their state offices and get a photo ID like anyone else?? You bet your ass there is, and the reason has nothing to do with cost, time or inconvenience. 

In the numbers Texas submitted to the DOJ, it suggests that Hispanics are more likely to NOT have a state ID or a driver’s license than any other voter.   So why is that the voter’s problem?   If these registered Hispanic voters are so inclined to vote, will they let the need to produce a photo ID stop them?   I hope not. OK so you could argue it’s about money.  But in most states it’s only about $20 to get the proper document.  And some states are even waiving that fee, so it can't be cost.

So if its not cost, than why is the Hispanic community in Texas is at a such a great disadvantage when you ask them to get a photo id just to prove who they are?? What are they afraid of??

I think we all know the answer to that, but before I go further, I want to make it clear this post is not about Hispanics.  Its about voter fraud and if you think it doesn’t affect you, you seriously need to wake up.  Voter fraud has the power to sway elections away from what the people really want.  Don’t believe me?  Check out what happens in some states that don’t require a photo ID to vote. 
Mississippi – 

In 2008, Madison county Mississippi had more than 123% registered voters than people over the age of 18. Nearly 500 registered voters were over the age of 105 and others have been registered for four decades but never cast a ballot.  This is the same year Mississippi had 190,000 new voters register for vote.   It was so bad; the State Secretary, Delbert Hosemann had this to say:
"It is terrible. Combined with the fact that we don't have voter ID in Mississippi, anybody can show up at any poll that happens to know the people who have left town or died -- and go vote for them. Whenever we have a third party determined by payment, for example, as they did in Benton County -- 'walking-around' money -- and they determine what that vote is going to be, they've taken your vote, whether they may have voted like you would have or not, they've still thwarted the process and they've still have taken your vote away from you”


The 6,000 voters found by Texas Watchdog amount to less than a percent of Dallas County's more than 1.2 million registered voters. But elections have been decided by fewer votes:

  • By 253 votes, Democrat Roberto Canas Jr. defeated Republican Lisa Fox in November 2006 for a county criminal court post.
  • In March of this year, (2008) Bob Romano defeated Jim Rea by 291 votes to win the Democratic nomination for state House District 105.
  • George W. Bush actually won Florida by 1,665 votes in 2000, according to a hand recount after the election commissioned by USA Today, the Miami Herald and Knight Ridder.

Also ask yourself this - If the Supreme Court voted back in 2008 that requiring a photo id does not violate a voters civil rights, what the hell is the Obama administration and his Department of Justice doing trying to rule against it?   

 This writer is very much tired of is bowing down to the minorities in this country.  If we actually did anything for the “good of the people” (which infers the majority by the way), all of the bleeding hearts come out to portray the folks those decisions didn't include as victims.  They are not victims, they just happen to be part of a group smaller than the majority.  That doesn’t make them any less of a citizen, neighbor, or voter, does it?  Not in my eyes.  In the eyes of the bleeding heart however, it absolutely does.

Can we get back to making everyday decisions that make this country a better place to live? Can we make this a better place for those who are willing to fight for what they believe and a better place for those who want to work and earn everything they receive?  It starts with getting the right voters, you know.