Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hank for Senate 2012

Since the Democrats want to give all of my money away and the Republicans are so out of touch with the middle class, this is the candidate I would back if I could.   

The way I see it we’ve got nothing to lose by putting this cat in office.  He’s probably the most honest candidate in the history of US politics.  Look at this face! 


Because he started life on the street to a single mother and doesn’t come from a family of wealth and power, he’s really got a clear view of the struggles we are facing as a nation.  He has spent time in homeless shelters and has even been on death row for a crime he didn’t commit, so he again has clearly tasted what it’s like to live below the poverty line.  Hank is a real story of how one can make something of themselves if they have people that believe in them. Isn’t it about time we’ve had someone in office like that?

Lest you think otherwise, hank got some skin in this game and he may just be the perfect (puuuurfect?) candidate for the job. He inspires independence and promotes individualism, yet is compassionate and caring of those that require more attention and positive reinforcement….like dogs.

Even though Hank doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t leech off of his community. He volunteers his time to local families to make sure they are free of pests, cockroaches, rats and other vermin, and vows to do the same if voted to office in Washington. Hank instinctively knows what it takes to get the job done. So buy a T-shirt to display your disdain for ordinary politicians. Note that “Hank's campaign doesn't receive one cent from the sales of these t-shirts” and “100% of profits go directly to the Animal Allies spay & neuter program.” so donate without guilt.

Hank is garnering all types of positive media coverage – check it out and get on the bandwagon while there is still time!  

Hank For SenateHuffington Post - 27-Feb-2012

Hank For Senate - Washington Post - 27-Feb-2012

 Hank for Senate - Richmond Times Dispatch - 29-Feb-2012

 Don’t believe all the negative hype, (video to attack ad is here), Hank is the real deal and needs your vote.

Isn’t it about time we’ve had a candidate who’s bipartisan and works for the whole country, rather than just their party affiliation? I think so.  If I didn't, do you think I would have spent that last hour writing about some stupid cat?

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