Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Legal disclaimer....sort of.

Any views or opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not necessarily represent (nor does he care if they did) those of any normal, well rooted, tall, socially adept, responsible adult-like person. (Although they may)  The material contained herein may have been pieced together and/or fabricated from partial truths, bold faced lies, misleading falsehoods, white lies, blue lies, pink lies, fleeting thoughts, misty water colored tidbits of memories and things completely made up from the dark and rarely used recesses of my brain. They vaguely, kinda sorta, represent a nonfictional me, but written in such a way to be found inspiring, stimulating, galvanic, humorous, somewhat provocative and amusing by its intended recipient.  If you do not find it inspiring, stimulating, galvanic, humorous, somewhat provocative or amusing in any way shape or form, then perhaps you are not the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient than apparently I wrote all of this for nothing since you most likely left the page when you didn’t recognize the URL from the get go.  If you are the intended recipient, and actually read this far down in the disclaimer, then congratulations to you, you’ve earned a gold star. Gold stars are redeemable by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to the email address from which this blog was received. Odds of being a winner depend on total number of eligible addresses entered on the “To:” line of the email address to which this blog was sent. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.  All federal, state and local laws apply. It is unlawful to break the law. All contestants release and forever discharge the author and his respective employees, farm animals, owners, partners, affiliates, subsidiaries and guests (collectively “Affiliates”) from and against any and all liability and/or claims with the respect to or in any way arising from this gold star giveaway, participation in the giveaway and acceptance or use of the gold star, including, without limitation, any liability for personal injury or property damage or loss.  Any rebroadcast, retransmission, forwarding or replaying of this blog, either in part or its entirety, to any party that would not find this stimulating, galvanic, comical, humorous, somewhat funny, provocative and amusing without written consent from the author or his Affiliates, will be in direct violation of the “Blog Code of Conduct” rule 7b, section 21, part D, paragraph 17, supplement 47, line 596 which states “Don’t do that.”

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