Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Hate This Woman.

Yes I know hate is a strong word, but that’s exactly why I’m using it.   

Nadya Suleman, AKA Octomom is a disgusting waste of human existence.   She is the epitome of the vermin that is the “me me me” generation and she’s an embarrassment to humankind the world over.  An avaricious and greedy attention seeker, bent on her own selfish, egotistical, self centered need to be loved, trudging along in a relentless pursuit of notoriety.  Why am I all riled up now when she was made infamous for all of this back in 2009?  Because she just filed for bankruptcy, that’s why.

Yeah…like we didn’t all see that coming. Color me unsurprised. 

Let’s take a quick step back to see how void of ethical fiber, logic and decency this woman really is.

The SINGLE mother had 6 children all under the age of 8 and was $50,000 in debt before undergoing additional in vetro fertilization to allow her to conceive 8 more kids!!. (6 wasn’t enough apparently) Up to that point she was already receiving $490/mo in food stamps and $600/mo in government payments for EACH of the three children she had with varying disabilities — an autistic son, a child with ADHD and another who was “developmentally delayed” in learning to speak, yet Suleman claims she’s not on welfare. There is no father in the picture here either mind you, just an egotistical woman and a “friend” she had donate sperm, which she claims has never met his kids.   Oh yeah…to complete the trifecta, she’s also unemployed. She was employed, but within two years of working at a mental institution (how fitting) back in 1999, she was caught up in a riot and “injured” her back. (how convenient)   Over the next seven years, she would collect $167,908 in disability payments. .(Alison Stateman, Time.com, February, 2009)   To this day she is still without a job or any continuous revenue stream, other than state funded money. 

To further underline how psychotic, damaged, and deranged this woman really is, understand a single IVF procedure usually has women implanted with two or three embryos. But Suleman being the greedy monster she is, requested to be implanted with all 12 (!)  of her remaining embryos she had stored.  When asked by Ann Curry of NBCs The Today Show about selectively weeding some out, she had this to say.  “What gives any human being a right to pick and choose which embryo —which fetus —  is more valuable than another? You know, that is not up to human beings.”  (Mike Celizic, TODAY.com contributor, updated 2/11/2009)

So let me get this straight, you vile waste of oxygen… You play God when it’s convenient for you, but once you’re asked to be responsible for the sake of your children and the world around you, you claim it’s out of your hands??  Am I the only one that gets sick over the lengths this woman was allowed to go to satiate an obvious mental illness? (Her doctor had his license revoked in 2011 by the way.  Another reprehensible pig who I hope rots in Hell for a thousand eternities)

So fast forward 3 years and here she is, like we all knew she would be. Flat Broke and looking for a handout. She claims she’s over $1,000,000  in debt and needs the help of the state via a court appointed trustee to liquidate her assets.  Funny... she wears Abercrombie and Fitch clothing, sends her kids to private schools, has a stylist that she pays $520 a month, and owes DirecTV a huge sum of money. Plus she rents the house shes living in.  What assets do you think she has? Does anyone else see the problem here?  The sense of entitlement with this family is nothing short of astounding.  I guess she felt she was entitled to Satellite TV while failing to pay her mortgage, huh?  Or payments to the stylist were more important than say, paying the water and electricity bills?  When all of this is over, the only take away anyone will have will be the children.  After this debacle, you can rest assured they will all have a better understanding of how to milk the system to their advantage. How to live off the backs of others; how to screw, cheat and steal from those who actually work to provide them the “assistance” they claim they so desperately need, and how to accumulate debt and live so irresponsibly beyond your means that they’ll never have to worry about any of it.  Absolutely gross.

Nadya Suleman is a revolting and despicable human being. She is the worst mankind has to offer and by all standards is a deplorable waste of space. Jillita Horton, a Yahoo! Contributor called Nadya a “professional parasite” and her assessment couldn’t be closer to the truth. The mere thought of this woman and the mockery she’s made of motherhood should churn your stomach like it does mine.  Her ego and lack of self esteem got her into this mess, and now the tax payers of California have to bail her and her little army out of it.  Such is the circle of life for the professional parasite. 

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