Thursday, April 26, 2012

When did it become so wrong to to be called American?

I know I’m a little late to this rodeo, but I’m going to vent anyway because it just irks me whenever I hear it. 

I am so tired of all the people that need to let you know their ethnic background when they announce what kind an American they think they are.  “I’m an Italian American” or “I’m an Irish American”.   Or a Dutch American or a Polish American.  Same goes for those people that want to include all of the places their parents, grandparents or great grandparents were from when they start telling you about themselves.  I don’t know why they have this crazy need to give you all of the countries those 6  were from to let you know they live in Tennessee, but they do.  “I’m a Dutch Canadian, Venezuelan, Australian, American with a little bit of Sioux Indian mixed in.  Yeah, I know I’ve been here in Chattanooga all my life, but my relatives are were from all around.”    Moron.    Listen tool bag, if you were born here that makes you an American citizen – there is no need to be anything else.  I don’t care where your moms parents were from and I couldn’t give two hoots about where your Dads family may have made millions raising Rahmani sheep.   If you were born here or passed a test to become a naturalized citizen, then you are an American you jack wagon, plain and simple. 

Why do people do that?  Why mention their ethnicity in the title of what they are? I get being proud of who you are and where you might be from, but if you grew up in Cleveland, there is no way in hell you were ever an African American regardless of the color of your skin. So why do you adopt the title?  To belong? To identify? Whats wrong with just being an American?

And for those that came to this country and took that pledge to become a citizen, that Oath of Allegiance, you declared to “entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen”.  In other words, you promised to become an American which by doing so, relinquishes all loyalty to your previous country of citizenship.  So guess what Esse, you’re not a Hispanic American, or a Canadian American.   You’re not an Asian American or even a Scottish American.  So drop the pretense and get over yourself. 

Listen, you came to this country because you felt for some reason or another it could benefit you or your family.  Can’t you at least be respectful to the land and people that are giving you the opportunity to better yourself?   If you like your home country so much you feel the need to go around flying your native colors rather than Old Glory, and all you want to do is talk about is how much better it was from whence you came, then do us all a favor and go home.  This American doesn’t need you.

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