Monday, April 23, 2012

And Bingo was his name ..o

Dog people are different people.  Before you go all nuts, understand I love dogs; it’s the owners with which I have a problem.  Personally I feel there are a large percentage of dog owners that get them for all the wrong reasons.  It’s like they are missing something in their lives, or have this need to have power over…something.  Worse than that is they tend to lose perspective on what is really important.  Let me explain…
First things first.  This is a dog we are talking about. Yes its man’s best friend and probably the most loyal pet you’ll ever have, but at the end of a day, it’s still just a pet.  It loves you because you feed it and give it shelter. If it could do it better than you, it would. It only hangs around because we have domesticated them so much, they know nothing else.  What else is it going to do? 

Most importantly, as much as you might want it to be, it is NOT a human child.  Its life is not worth more than a human life.  We all might sit here and shake our heads saying “yeah, I know” but if we really understand its just a pet,  then explain this type of post on Facebook. 

“I can't watch this video.  Honest to God, I can watch a video of a person lying in the road after being hit by a car, but not a dog. If you're not a dog lover, you won't get it.”


I admit, it’s a heart breaking story for sure.  And it’s a tragedy that a dog died, but let’s put things in perspective, shall we?  You’d rather see a human, presumably dead in the street, than a dog? Seriously? One could argue that we’ve been desensitized to human death through movies and TV and that’s why it affects us so badly to see a pet injured, but unless you are as dumb as that dog, it doesn’t excuse you from not thinking twice about actually posting colossally stupid and inane comments that show how warped and twisted your priorities really are.  Saying you’d more easily watch a human get hit by a car not only devalues anyone's loss of a relative/friend/partner/,  but it also shows to all of us that you value that animals life over you own wife, daughter or son,  or father, or mother or sister etc…  and that makes me sick.  Is that what you meant?  Because that’s the message you sent

Oh and by the way, I don’t need to be a dog owner to “get it”.  As a human, I completely understand how it feels to lose someone I love. But its not someone who died here, was it?  It was someTHING, and as much as that mystifies you, it’s you that doesn’t get it.  If you feel more over the loss of your dog than you do a family member or friend, then that is truly a problem with you.  You shouldn’t be the owner of anything.

If you want to talk about something I don't get, lets take this example. If you really care about your dog, why do you let them crawl all over you when you’re driving your car? You think that enhances their driving experience, or yours? (Attention selfish jerk, the dog doesn’t care which seat it occupies).

Yayyy Rhode Island!!

You say you care about your dog, but you don't stop to think what could happen to them if you were to get into an accident?  Seems contradictory to me. If your pet is really one of the family, why do you treat it so differently?  Get a pet seat belt/harness.   We already know you don’t care about the lives of anyone around you (or else you would keep them off your lap for such an important activity such as driving) so do it for the damn animal, you jackass.

I loathe the folk that have dogs yet want to be so nice, they refuse to “be mean” to them.  I have some neighbors like that.  In reality, a lot of owners have no clue or desire to discipline their dogs. They allow them to jump all around; bark incessantly and pretty much run their lives, in the meantime making everyone else around them miserable.  They actually think it makes the lives of their pet better when it gets to live free of rules or regulations.  Don’t get me wrong, verbal abuse of any animal is not tolerated, but disciplining your dog is not punishing your dog, and giving your pet boundaries will actually make it a happier pet in the end. Heck, if the pet owners from the first video actually disciplined their dogs, you may not have a dead animal in the street.  
Admittedly, it’s mostly the people with the small dogs that are so careless.  I’ve got a neighbor that didn’t think one annoying yapping dog was enough, so she got two more. They had to relegate the old dog to the lower part of the deck do the new ones could occupy the top. Do you think she has any clue how noisy they are?  Doubtful. How could she? She keeps them outside most of the day because shes home. She probably thinks they never make a sound.  Funny thing is I have another neighbor with two 100+lbs Pitbulls, and I never hear those dogs at all. Get out there and find out what those dogs need, lady. They are obviously upset about something, and you don’t seem to care. 

How about the double standards we create for dog owners?  Try bringing your pet horse into a supermarket; see what happens. Board of Health would have a problem with that for sure. But why then do I see all these arrogant dog owners doing it all the time with these goofy little dogs in their purses?  Because of their size?   Listen, if your fragile self esteem can’t make it the duration of a trip to the market without being reminded of how much your pet loves you, then maybe you ought to be getting groceries delivered to your home.  Animals do not belong in the supermarket unless they are in the meat section all wrapped and ready for grilling.

 Ever try bringing a pet pig on a plane ride?  It won’t go over well. (I don’t suggest it). However, if you dress it up like a dog, you might both make it by. Most airlines actually allow “pet “travel directly in the cabin. (with limitations, usually weight/size)  They must screen out passengers with pet allergies at the security gate, don’t you think?  That the real reason the TSA lines are so long.

 Seriously, when there is an airline that is specifically for pets, do they really need to continue this practice?

Lastly, what aggravates me the most about dog owners are the ones that have so much extra money floating around they don’t know what to do with it, so they send their pooch to a dog "hotel" for things like: 

  • Aromatherapy baths
  • Aromatherapy massage
  • Fur coloring
  • Facials
  • Swim sessions
  • Underwater treadmill sessions

I cant make this stuff up - 

Get this –  The “Palace Suite” is 12x10 or 20x15 and it’s a “quiet, private luxe room equipped with a flat panel TV, web camera, and exquisite raised bedding. “  Yeah, because we all know how Buster loves to watch The Price is Right, don’t we?
Something tells me that if you have this kind of money to spend on your pet, then maybe you ought to be thinking about donating more to a human charity, like the homeless or hungry children? But no this place exists because someone thought there was a need, and owners agreed.  Sadly there are people willing to spend $100 a night for their dog to stay in this type of hotel.  Here’s my take, If you need someone to give your dog underwater treadmill lessons, then maybe you don’t spend enough time with your dog. 

Listen people, I love dogs, but I’m not so selfish to use them just to fill a hole in my life. I value their role in our lives and I know they can do incredible things.  But they are not substitutes for children, lost relatives, or siblings or even real live friends.  They dont belong in baby carriages and dont need to be dressed up in the clothes your youngest used to wear to football rallies. They dont think like you or I do, and they dont process information the way you think is the cutest. They dont have long distant memories of their brothers and sisters, or yearn for their mommy as they grow older.  They are animals and it’s not wrong to treat them that way.   If you read this and got all ticked off screaming about how way off base you think I am, you’re obviously too blinded by your emotions  and  you should think twice about owning anything.  You may contend I’m mean and unconscionable saying all of this, but I’m betting  I’m a better pet owner than you. 

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